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Dr. Ayyappan Kariyat

A scion of the illustrious Kariyat family- a family of Ayurvedicvaidyas who were Bala cikitsakas- Ayurvedic Paediatricians, is an extraordinary man. He is amulti-faceted personality: a renowned Ayurvedic scholar, academician, an able practitionerand a successful writer. He earned Ayurveda siromani and Vaidya Visarada titles from SriVenkataramana Ayurveda College, (the first Ayurvedic college in India started in 1905)Chennai, where he also served as a lecturer and physician at a later stage. He was also a goldmedallist. Dr. Ayyappan Kariyat retired from IMPCOPS Chennai in November 2009 as asenior medical superintendent. The family lineage, the titles earned and the 45 years ofclinical experience of Dr Ayyappan have gone a long way in the service of Sreehareeyam.Languages known: Malayalam, Sanskrit, Tamil, EnglishHis experience encompasses a wide range of fields – Lecturer manufacturer and physician.He had served in top positions at - Kottakal Arya Vaidya Sala, AVN and Rohini HolisticHealth Centre & IMPCOPS. Dr. Kariyat is also a well known writer; he has translated thewell known Tamizh manuscript THIRUKURRAL into Malayalam Language. He is a poetand has also written a poem on Atthivardar.

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